We have a vast amount of experience dealing with all issues relating to Wills, Probate and Estate Administration matters. We offer both flexible pricing and fixed fees for will drafting and estate administration.
Many people don't know what happens upon death when a Will is not made. We can help you with all aspects of making a Will and help you with Probate issues. When someone dies there are a number of important tasks that need to be completed. If the person died leaving a valid Will, then the named Executors take on this responsibility. In the absence of a valid Will, the person is said to have died “Intestate” and the Intestacy Rules determine who can be appointed as the Administrators of the estate.
The role of Executor or Administrator can be an onerous one. The deceased’s estate may involve valuable or complex matters and an Executor or Administrator may be personally liable for administering the estate correctly.
Every Executor or Administrator can instruct a Solicitor to assist them with the Estate Administration.
The death of a loved one raises many complex, and often difficult, emotional and practical matters. Unfortunately, these can easily cause disagreements. There may be ambiguities in a Will that lead to different interpretations, an argument over the valuation of the deceased’s estate or uncertainty as to whether it is being administered properly.
Whether these disagreements are between beneficiaries, surviving family members and friends, it’s vital to get specialist legal advice early on.
At Rogers Law we have vast experience assisting clients resolve inheritance disputes. Our aim is to help them achieve the best possible outcome – we do this by using our extensive negotiating and advocacy skills, coupled with vast knowledge of the law and procedure, to design a case winning, tailor-made, strategy. We always aim to resolve inheritance disputes as quickly as possible and, if court action is unavoidable, we are ready to fight for our clients’ best interests. If you would like to know more about how we can assist with contentious wills and probate, please contact us